Latest Canada Express Entry Draw 2025
IRCC has been implementing multiple Canada Express Entry draw updates in every 2 weeks. The latest Express Entry draw #335 was held on February 5, 2025.
✔️ Invitation Round: #335
✔️ Date of Round: February 5, 2025
✔️ Type of Draw: Canadian Experience Class
✔️ Number of ITAs Issued: 4,000
✔️ CRS Score of Lowest-Ranked Candidate Invited: 521
✔️ Tie-Breaking Rule: November 14, 2025 at 02:52:14 UTC
If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.
Throughout the year, the Canada Immigration Authority held several of the latest Canada Express Entry Draws. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) holds these draws weekly or for 14 consecutive days. Managed under the Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS), the highest-scoring candidates get the chance to apply for permanent residency. The Express Entry pathway is the finest and fastest way to immigrate to Canada from India.
The Express Entry is an application management system overseeing three economic categories: the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class. It is among those draws, and it has been seen that Canada has introduced a category-based draw for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), healthcare, trade, transport, and agriculture occupations. Additionally, draws based on the French language or provincial nominations have also been held intermittently. It is recorded that typically 3-4 Express Entry Draws are held each month, providing the chance to qualify workers for the Invitation to Apply (ITA). Selected candidates must apply for a permanent residency visa within 60 days.
By the end of December, we can expect to see more of the Express Entry draws and continue in 2025. Canada's Immigration Level Plan 2024-2026 is to attract global talent around the world, and these draws are evident as candidates are frequently updated about the Express Entry next draw prediction. The consistent occurrence of these draws shows that Canada is significant in boosting Canada’s economy and multicultural development.
IRCC has been implementing multiple Canada Express Entry draw updates in every 2 weeks and has shown a notable increment in the frequency of category-based draws, PNP, and CEC draws. This approach aligns with the authorities' objective to conduct more draws to achieve the target mentioned in the Canada Immigration Level Plan.
The primary focus of the plan is to enhance the chances of new applicants, particularly by emphasizing economic immigration categories, attracting individuals who speak French, and maintaining Canada’s dedication to humanitarian initiatives.
Canada Express Entry Draw List 2025
Types of Rounds of Invitations
General Rounds of Invitations
In the general rounds of invitations, IRCC selects the highest-ranking candidates from the pool who qualify for programs overseen by Express Entry, including the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, Canadian Experience Class, and Provincial Nominee Program.
Program-specific rounds of Invitations
In program-specific rounds of invitations, IRCC targets the highest-ranking candidates eligible for a particular Express Entry program associated with a Provincial Nominee Program.
Category-based Rounds of Invitations
For category-based Express Entry draws, the Immigration Minister of Canada designates a category aimed at achieving a specific economic objective. Subsequently, IRCC invites the highest-ranking candidates from the pool who meet the criteria for the designated category.
New Category-based Draws For Express Entry
The Minister of Immigration for Canada declared on May 31 that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has established new categories for candidate selection in Express Entry draws. These categories were determined following an analysis of labor market forecasts and consultations with various partners, stakeholders, and provincial and territorial governments. The selection categories include:
Proficiency in the French language
Occupations in healthcare
Occupations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Trade-related occupations
Occupations in transportation
Occupations in agriculture and agri-food.
If we look at the Canada Express Entry Draw history, we come to know that the draws held throughout 2023 were unusual draws. 2023 was a year of change and improvement in which, to meet the specific labor needs, the immigration authority introduced a category-based draw for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), trades, and those with French language proficiency.
Additionally, 2024 is a year of growth and conversion, where we have seen the targets in the high range for permanent residency, and the Express Entry Draw played a crucial role in it. In 2025, it is also expected to reflect Canada’s aim to increase the number of applicants as per the Canada Immigration Level Plan 2024-2026. The Express Entry draws in 2025 can be held in various categories, including category-based draws, French proficiency, healthcare occupations, and agriculture.
As we have seen the success of category-based draws for STEM since 2023, it is anticipated that we will look forward to more specialized categories to meet the labor shortages. IRCC will continue to hold draws on a biweekly basis aimed at particular fields or skill set sectors. Again, the latest Canada Express Entry draw will continue to play a crucial role in Canada Immigration and its efforts to attract thousands of applicants globally.