It is commendable to feel enthusiastic about the salary framework being elevated compared to many European nations; however, it is advisable to take a moment to reflect on additional elements before selecting it as your professional path. While the average income in Portugal provides a broad perspective, one must also consider factors such as salaries specific to various industries and regional disparities. This guide presents a detailed analysis of salary information on the average salary in Portugal.

According to the National Statistics Bureau (INE), Portugal's average salary per month in 2020 was 1,314 euros, translating to an annual total of 18,396 euros, which includes Christmas and holiday bonuses. The monthly average wage in Portugal for the year 2024 is €1,540, indicating a positive increase compared to prior years; however, it remains lower than that of countries such as France and Germany.

A Comprehensive Analysis of Average Salaries in Portugal

The topic of average salaries in Portugal captivates many individuals, particularly due to its notable differences compared to other European countries. As of 2024, the gross monthly salary has risen to €1,540. To provide a clearer perspective, the following outlines the progression of this figure over recent years:

  • 2020: €1,314/month

  • 2021: €1,361/month

  • 2022: €1,411/month

  • 2023: €1,505/month

  • 2024: €1,540/month

What is the Median Salary in Portugal?

In 2024, the median salary in Portugal stands at €1,240 per month. This figure serves to split the population into two equal segments: individuals earning above this amount and those earning below it.

What is the Minimum Wage (SMIC) in Portugal?

As of 2025, the minimum wage in Portugal, known as SMIC, has been increased to a gross amount of €870 per month, distributed over 14 months, which is a standard practice in the country.

Highest-paying Professions in Portugal

The highest-paying professions in Portugal are predominantly found within managerial roles, particularly in sectors such as Operations General Management (Tourism), Medical Management, Legal Advisory, Industrial Executive Positions, and Purchasing Management.

  • General Manager (industry): €110,000 – €170,000

  • Legal Manager (for medium to large enterprises): €148,000 – €160,000

  • Plant Manager: €72,000 – €120,000

  • Chief Information Officer: €70,000 – €120,000

  • Associate Lawyer (with 10 years of experience): €120,000

  • Administrative and Financial Manager: €49,000 – €105,000

  • IT Director: €40,000 – €100,000

  •  Marketing Director: €44,800 – €92,000

  • Operations Director (Engineering): €62,000 – €92,000

  • Head of Human Resources: €55,000 – €84,000

  • Store Supervisor (retail): €25,200 – €59,500

  • IT Systems Architect: €42,000 – €56,000

  • Head of Accounting: €25,200 – €56,000

  • Head of Recruiting: €25,200 – €33,000

Salary Increases by Sector


Annual Increment (in percentage)

Information technology












Years Of Experience

Average Salary Percentage Increase

2 – 5 years


5 – 10 years


10 – 15 years

+21 %

15 – 20 years


20+ years


Average Salary in Portugal by Education Level

Data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) for 2022 indicates a significant relationship between educational attainment and salary levels in Portugal. Individuals with higher educational qualifications tend to earn more, with those holding a doctoral degree averaging €2,886, which is over three times the earnings of individuals with only primary education, who earn approximately €976. Those with a master’s degree earn around €2,199, while bachelor's degree holders have an average monthly income of €2,031.

Additionally, INE provided data from 2021 that offers a more detailed view of how education influences average salary in Portugal, revealing that certain municipalities exhibit notably higher wages. For example, in 2021, Vila do Porto reported exceptionally high salaries of €5,020 for employees with tertiary education, whereas rural municipalities such as Sines, Castro Verde, Oeiras, and Amadora all recorded salaries exceeding €2,000 for the same educational level.

Gender Wage Gap

The gender pay gap in Portugal stands at 13.1%, marginally exceeding the EU average of 12.7%.

In response to this issue, Portugal has enacted regulations mandating that employers with a workforce of over 50 individuals conduct annual analyses of their pay data. Should any unjustified gender disparities be identified, employers are required to rectify these within 180 days. This legislation was introduced in 2018.

Significantly, employers are obligated to go beyond mere reporting. They must establish transparent compensation policies and devise effective strategies to address any unexplained gender wage discrepancies.

According to Trusaic, by 2026, these obligations will be broadened to encompass more comprehensive reporting and an expanded scope of employee coverage under the EU Pay Transparency Directive. This regulation will apply to all companies with 250 or more employees, and by 2031, it will extend to those with a workforce of 100 or more.